My family and I have met most of TAGS cast in person a few times. What 
stands out is my memory is that everyone of them were so NICE ( and a door 
prize!), and friendly. Don Knotts was frail but still took the time to pose 
for a pic with my wife and daughter.

Betty Lynne was about worn out by the time my family and I got to meet her. 
She had been signing autographs after a show and we were at the end of the 
line. I figured she would sign and then leave quickly as she was tired. 
Instead, when she found out my daughter was going to be a teacher, she just 
talked and talked like we were old friends. I even got a hug from her...glad 
Don wasn't there to see!

Howard Morris ( Earnest T ) was so nice to my son in law.....signed a pic 
for him and kissed him on the cheek! lol

I have met Otis, all the Darlings except Brisco, and Rafe Hollister and they 
were just as nice. Otis even sent me a letter apologizing for being late 
sending his autograph!

Never got to meet Aunt Bea of course, but do have her autograph, along with 
the rest.

One thing will always stand out in my mind from Mayberry Days in TN. As the 
cast was boarding the bus to go back to their hotel , all the crowd was 
gathered around to say bye. When Rodney Darling got close to us, I saw him 
shaking a man's hand and he said " there's nobody like Mayberry folk."

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