I want you all to know what kind of an impact we are making at TvLand. Link 
said that the complaints on the board and through eMail have been overwelming 
and we shouldn't quit now, We need to let them know we still are not happy so 
please continue to sign and email. 
  email at 
  or sign at this link or perhaps do both.
  The following is what Link had posted on our efforts.
  [In the past, there have been instances where those reports have had an 
impact. It has been hard at times, however, to get a lot of action taken on 
them because of the numbers generated on the message boards and in email have 
not been signficant about any one issue. The past couple of weeks, however, the 
response has been almost overwhelming and I expect the consideration of the 
response to be higher. Again, most changes don't take place overnight. So, it 
is important that the comments and suggestions not lose momentum because they 
aren't getting an instaneous response.   TVLTheLink
Community Manager
The Community @
TV Land Nick-at-Nite Online ]   
So, it is important that the comments and suggestions not lose momentum because 
they aren't getting an instaneous response. 

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