I just had a brainstorm of an idea. I'd figure I would share it on WBMUTBB,  
because all true TAGS fans subscribe to the Digest. We should have a  Mayberry 
event entitled 'Mayberry:The Next Generation.' You would invite  all of the 
actors or former actors who appeared on TAGS as kids. They would give  their 
insights on TAGS from a child's point of view.
Remember, Ron Howard won his coveted Academy Award for 'A Beautiful Mind.'  
The project was loosely based on an incident that happened on the set of TAGS  
when he supposedly witnessed an actor having an anxiety attack.
P.S. Around 1972, Ron Howard was trying to outgrow his "Ronny" first  name. 
At this very moment, he probably wouldn't mind anyone calling him  "Ronny."
Brian Rodahaver
One Of Maryland's Biggest TAGS Fans!!! 
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