sam said :And it's funny that so many of the shows people are wanting
are the shows I have on DVD.

here here.... we dont have cable or satelitte either but our DVD
buying makes up for the bill... we have all he seasons (available) of
TAGS and The Waltons and what i can find of Lucy on DVD... our
friends (all still in thier 20's) make fun of us watching them
constintly... but we'll find them snickering and laughing at them all
the time... us young'ens just need to loosing up and enjoy.. our
foster care worker loves coming to our house cause we always have one
on she's never seen (she's only 23).  the best part THEY'RE KID
FRIENDLY!!! no violence, no cussing nothing that will send them into
a relapse of whatever they went threw at home. Thats why we dont have
pay tv... we can control what they see better.  whatever happened to
TV a family could watch together and now worry.. now if you're
watching a "clean" show you have to worry about the darn commericals. 

also.. thank you to everyone who has responded to my mayberry days
and TAGs/Danny Thomas show questions.

Mary in ohio 

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