When Miss Peggy tried to explain to Andy about what a Sazarac was, she 
described it as a New Orleans drink and asked  Andy if he had ever been 
there. Then she explained that.."it's a lot like Paris in a lot of 
ways." First of all, the redundancy in that description always causes me 
to grit my teeth. But also if Andy hadn't even been to  New Orleans, how 
was describing it as being like Paris going to help him any? Surely she 
didn't think he'd been to Paris. But I know I'm not supposed to be 
negative about things so on the positive side, I do think Miss Peggy was 
a beauty and besides she's one of my own kind being a Georgia girl and 
all. I like the Mary nurses better, however. I know you guys think Sue 
Ane Langdon was really something, but I preferred Julie Adams. When she 
says to Andy in that silky voice, "Now don't you get hurt out there", I 
can just imagine that Andy's heart did a double back flip. By the way, 
they did a movie together. Those of you old enough to remember a real 
downer called "Go Ask Alice". It was a made for TV movie back in the 
early 70's. She also made a movie with our own "young doctor" George 
Nader (two and two makes four! Well if you ain't worried I ain't 
worried.)  I don't remember the name of it, though. It was from back in 
the 50's - the same era that she made my husband's favorite movie, "The 
Creature From the Black Lagoon".

Marietta, GA
"Two young people lost in a world of pills"  

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