Hi, I'm new to the WBMUTBB.  My husband (33) and I (29) both grew up
watching TAGS, him in NC and me in Ohio.  We started buying them on
DVD and have watched all episodes, we were surprised at how many we
had never seen.  We thought we had seen them all between our
childhoods and then reruns on TVland.. wrong.  We're patiently
waiting for season 7.  

About beverages: my husband grew up on sweet tea and now that you
mention it.. i've never seen them mention it on TAGS.  He hates that
you can rarely find sweet tea in the north (ohio is where we now

About TAGS sightings.. we are HUGE fans of the waltons also... denver
pyle (brisco darling)  was on one episode we've seen, and of course
grandma walton was on one episode of TAGS "barney's first car".

About bloopers... i'd love to see them if they exist.. it'd be a
shame if they distroyed them.

Also... anyone know where i can buy or see the pilot episode.. The
Danny Thomas show episode where they first introduce Mayberry.  and
does anyone know if CBS video/dvd plan on releasing Mayberry RFD? My
husband and i have never seen any of those.

one more thing..... Do they still do Mayberry days in Mt Airy NC...
we're thinking about taking a vacation down there some time in the
next few years.

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