Forgive me for another post so soon but I received so many emails about 
going home I feel compelled to share one more story.  In 1926 my father 
immigrated to this great land at the age of 23.  He left his family in 
Sweden and came to America to seek a better life.  He always dreamed of 
returning home to see his family but he never did. Because of a language 
barrier we lost contact with all Dad's family until I was able to find in 
1999 while doing research on my computer.  I sent a letter and one morning 
after church I received a phone call from two first cousins in Sweden.  One 
year later my wife and I spent two wonderful weeks in Sweden with my new 
family.  We visited my father's birthplace, his childhood village, and his 
school.  We were also able to visit the beautiful cemetery where both my 
grandparents are laid to rest.  Knowing my father's dream to return home 
never came true I did one little thing for him.  I went to my father's grave 
in Dorchester, Wisconsin, and I took some soil and rocks from his graveside. 
I took it to Sweden and mixed it in the soil of his parent's graves.  Then I 
took some soil and rocks from my grandparent's graves and from my father's 
childhood home and  I took them to Dorchester and mixed them with the soil 
on my father's grave.  Now for eternity the ground from the two homes my 
father loved shall now be but one.  By the way, this morning I received a 
wonderful email from my Cousin Patrik in Sweden wishing us a happy 
midsummer.  He included many pictures of my Swedish family "back home".

I promise no more postings.  I will sit back and enjoy what all my TAGS 
friends write.

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701

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