In a message dated 6/1/2006 1:04:38 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

4.  Mayberry moment 

For some reason, reading the digest tonight brought back memories of my  past 
life as a musician and how that led to opportunities to meet a few  cast 
members of TAGS. 
In the early seventies, the band I played bass with was B. J. Thomas's  
backup band, and we got to travel the USA and the world with him, a great 
to me because I always wanted to do that. BJ and I still keep in touch by 
In 1974 or 75, I can't exactly remember the date, we went to Hollywood to  
play on several TV shows---The Tonight Show, The Merv Griffin Show, and Dinah  
Shore's syndicated talk show, taped at CBS's Television City, where they did 
all  of their shows then. I especially remember meeting Dinah Shore because she 
was  so nice to us and talked to all of us right before we went on. Her 
kinfolks were  from Pike County, Alabama, as were mine, and we had a good time 
talking about  that. What a nice Southern lady she was. 
One morning, before we taped, I got up sort of early (rare for a musician  on 
the road) and went to the restaurant downstairs for some breakfast. Only two  
or three people were there, and I saw one guy sitting by himself. It took me 
a  few seconds to realize it was Jim Nabors. He looked pretty tired, and I 
promised  myself that I would NOT go over and bother him, but, after finishing 
 breakfast, of course I did. He was very nice. I asked him if he had been 
back to  Alabama lately, told him I had recently played in his home town there, 
and he  graciously told me that, no, he had not, it had been a while. I shook 
his hand  and left him alone, but wow, I would have loved to have sat down and  
talked more, but it would have been rude to do that. 
A few years later, I saw Jack Dodson at a charity event in Montgomery,  
Alabama, closer to home. He was sitting in a corner of the room by himself, and 
I walked over to him, he stood up and extended his hand. He invited me  to 
sit down, and we talked for a while. He was extremely cordial, and now I wish  
had stayed longer and talked to him more, but I couldn't at the time.
Some years after I left the music business, I became the editorial  
cartoonist for the daily newspaper in my home  town. The paper's editor,  Doug 
Bradford, grew up with George Lindsey and was his best man at his wedding,  so 
Goober came to Dothan, Alabama, in 1989, I got to meet him  too.
So, for a guy who was an Andy Griffith Show fan from the very first episode  
to the last of its run, I have to consider myself a pretty lucky guy. 
All of yall have a great Mayberry day!
Jimmy Dean
down in Dothan, Alabama
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