>>Accd to Inside Mayberry, the phantom actor was in nine: 113, My Fair
Ernest T. Bass; 133, the Education of Ernest T. Bass; 123, The Fun
Girls; 141, Otis Sues the County; 175, Otis the Artist; 203, Only a
Rose; 210, Floyd's Barbershop; 240, Barney Hosts a Summit Meeting; and
247, Sam for Town Council .... Seems like there were more, but it may be
that Old Man Schwump was just so ubiquitous!   DOUG GIBSON   OGDEN,

Well Doug, you never forget someone at your wedding or Bachelor party,
and good ole Mr. Schwamp was at Andy's bachelor luncheon in a Mayberry
RFD episode.  As I have pointed our before  most of these occasions were
social gatherings and Mr. Schwamp never missed an opportunity to show up
dressed up for root beer and polite murmuring.  If fact on a couple of
occasions (the Lodge and Sam for Council) he is shown early..but not
later in the event.  This is the basis for my theory that he gets a buzz
from root beer and over-imbibes just a bit, and has to leave early.  You
didn't mention the Lodge episode in your official list, but I think he
is there.

He is seem murmuring in two episodes I believe,  In the Fun Girls, he
can be seen seated at a table with root beer in hand in the company of a
La-dy murmuring.  Also..(and this is just my theory) in Otis the Artist,
he is at the big event and a woman says to him  "Those were nice fair
speeches"  He misunderstands thinking she said "hair piece" and responds
"Thank You, I got it in Mt Pilot"

>>>Did Barney say the line, "I don't want to be standing in no stag line
with old man Schwump and a bunch of slumped over teenage boys?"<<< 
        Don't confuse Mr. Schwamp with Ole Man Perkins--They both may go
to parties stag, but only one of them can smile and nod his way into
meeting a Russian diplomat.

The Untrained Voice
Sgt at Arms, Schwamp Fan Club and Hair Loss Support Group 

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