Juanita was , those days what was refered to as one who had "a 
    reputation" it was totally hypocrtical but thats how it was.  I saw
    Juanita the other day. She has retired and is worth  over 1 billion
    dollars. She took all those tips that Barn and the diners gave her
    and invested in some great stock and just had  a great life. Juanita
    may have been the working other woman but she wasn't stupid. Heck,
    she took that 25 cents that  Barn gave Olive and all Olives 4 kids
    went to Ivy League schools. I hear Olive lives near Oprah and her
    best friend, Ego , and Oprah is on anohter diet. Saw the willow ware
    at my Kroger,too.  Nice real, nice .Gotta get back to the big house
    Until we meet again,Maude
  laverne defazio

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