I, like all of you, am stunned by the loss of our friend, Jeff Krentz.
I'd like to thank the family member or frined who was kind enough to let
us know of his passing.  Our thoughts and prayers are certanily with his
wife Sue and his children Bryan and Alison.   What a loss.

I never met Jeff, but he was one of those guys that I think if we met
we'd immediately hit if off, talking about our favorite show.  When I
saw Jeff's name it the header, I always knew he was going to say
smething funny or interesting.  It seemed like I just saw his name a few
days ago, so I had to go im my private archives and look.  Indeed, he
mourned with us over Don Knott's passing. (see below)  With all respect
I wanted to copy the last few things I saw from Jeff.

You will be missed, my friend, say Hello to Don Knotts for us.

Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 13:19:51 -0500
From: Jeff Krentz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Not a Nickname
To: WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 12:00:04 -0600, you wrote:

> Right off the bat, I can think of "Goob" for Goober, "Nita" for 
> Juanita, and Charlie or Chuck for Charles O'Malley.
How about "Third Party" (It's not dirty)

not exactly a nickname, but I just like sayin' it. 

Jeff Krentz -BigHead in Dee-Troit
(O'Malley says "Lots of People Lie at Lunch!")


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 13:28:59 -0500
From: Jeff Krentz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Gomer Singing
To: WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 12:00:04 -0600, you wrote:

>hen Gomer enters the Sheriff's office singing "From the Halls of
>Montazuma...to the shores of Tripoli ..." he is singing in his Gomer
>rather than his deep singing voice he was known to have had in prior

You misspelled "Mont-a-zoomer"

and you are right about the voice, I never thought about that before.
I'm going over to Reindel Hardware downtown here and get a new
galvanized bucket, just for thinkin' purposes.

Jeff Krentz -BigHead in Dee-Troit
(O'Malley says "Do you suppose they'll ask me that!")


I feel the same way. I worked late yesterday and heard about Don's
passing on the radio. I went home and as I was telling my wife about it
I was leaking some tears too. What a great man he was, and what an
influence on my life. I, too, knew this day would come, but I didn't
want it to ever happen. I am sad, very sad.

Jeff Krentz -BigHead in Dee-Troit
(O'Malley says "Thank You Don!")

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