Barney Fife, former Deputy Sheriff  dies
Barney Fife, former deputy sheriff for over 20 years in  Mayberry died on 
Friday at the age of 81. Fife died of respiratory problems with  his wife and 
good friend, former Sheriff Andy Taylor at his side. Fife began his  tenure as 
deputy under Sheriff Taylor's administration. He stayed on as deputy  sheriff 
after Taylor moved to Cleveland, Ohio in the early 70's.  When  Sheriff Taylor 
was elected sheriff again in the 80's, his loyal deputy stayed  with him until 
they both retired.  " He was a good friend, a good deputy. I  will miss him 
very much, we went through a lot together," said Mr.Taylor.   Goober Pyle, 
another good friend of Deputy Fife said the same. " Barney was  always a part 
law in Mayberry. The town will not be the same without "one  bullet Barn."  
Funeral services are pending with the Nelson Funeral Parlor  here in Mayberry. 
Fife is survived by his wife Thelma Lou and a cousin, Virgil  from New Jersey. 
full tribute will be published in the next  edition.        Liz  Roberts
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