I got my Season 5 DVD's on monday and have been watching them. 
One thing I thought was really neat about all the seasons is the images that 
been on the DVD's themselves and the fronts and backs of the DVD Cases

Season 1 which had 4 discs in individual cases has a different picture on the 
front of
each case of Andy and one or two others in the cast (mainly Aunt Bee, Opie, and 
This same picture is also on the DVD itself in that case. The back of the cases 
have been made
to look like Mayberry Police stationary and show the disc contents and at the 
bottom of each
paper it has a message written on it.  
Disc 1 says: Barney - Went fishing with Opie. Be back Later.
Disc 2 says: Andy - Otis lost his keys again - Barn
Disc 3 says: Pa - I came by - Opie
Disc 4 says: Went to Floyd's for a trim - Barn

In season 2 the format went to 5 discs in 3 cases and has stayed that way thru 
season 5 
On season 2 the discs have an image of an apple pie. Each disc has more and 
more of the pie gone
until the 5th disc is just an empty pie plate.  The back of the case has an 
image of a recipe card from Aunt Bee
with the disc contents on it.  This set has the original sponser spots.

Season 3 discs have an image of a tire on them which looks to be from the squad 
it has the white wall and the hub cab at the center. The back of the case looks 
like a bill from
Wally's Filling Station with the disc contents on it.  This set has the 
original sponser spots too.
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