For the sake of discussion rather than argument, I think "Impossible Dream" 
fits Mayberry perfectly.  Andy fights every "unbeatable foe" and beats them.  
But then I guess they weren't unbeatable.  Next line.  I think Mayberry's quiet 
strength would handle any sorrow.  OK.  Then the sorrows are not unbearable.  
Last line.  Ah, this one nobody's gonna logic me out of this one!  "To run 
where the brave dare not go."  Even Opie fits here.  Didn't he stand up to the 
bully?  And Andy runs after the most horrible villians.

IMHO Mayberry's kind of an "Impossible Dream"kind of place where people do the 
right and heroic things regardless of what may result.

Again, discussion not argument.  And the drinking song sure would be at odds 
with Mayberry--unless, of course, Otis is singing it..  :-)

Martha Humphreys
Huntsville, AL
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