>>>I was watching Citizens Arrest tonight.
At the end when the call comes into the courthouse, Otis uses the key on the
nail to get out of his cell, leaving the key in the cell door, then runs out
of the courthouse.  Later we see Barney running up to the filling station.
Question is, how did Barney get out of jail with the key in the other cell

Well, maybe Barney had been sweeping the floor in that cell earlier that day 
and left the broom standing in the corner.  So he used the broom handle to 
reach over and nab the keys.

Or maybe as Barney was mulling over whether he should go help Andy, Leon 
strolled in the court house, walked over to the cell, and offered Barney a bite 
of his sandwich.  Barney then asked Leon to get the keys and admonished him, 
"Don't you say nothin' 'bout this, Leon!" as he rushed out of the room.

Or maybe Barney found Ernest T's special key and was thus able to release 

Of course, those are just theories.  What's your theory?

Thelma Lou
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