>>>I don't think the Governor was invited for a meal at Andy's house.
Nor was Thomas A. Moody, the guest of honor who ended being named Davis.
Tracy Crawford  the accused bank robber did not get the dinner ticket,
and I don't think Mr. Dave the hobo was invited to dinner - only hedge
trimming. Then there  was Newton Monroe, the "lady speeder," and
Emmett's brother in law. (I  think)<<<<

Now Neil you're an attorney right?  So you listened to the rules in the
beginning???  Right?
The question had the qualification "No prisoners""  and I added no

Newton Monroe, the Lady Speeder and I think Tracy Crawford were all
prisoners...so they don't count (though Aunt Bee probably fixed them
prison food)
You're right about the others.
Emmett's Bro-in-Law falls into the category, we noted yesterday--hosted
by another family in Mayberry, such as Otis, Peggy, Thelma Lou.
Governor??--one passed through quickly, the other had "lady fingers and
shrimp cocktail" fixed by Aunt Bee and others.
Good Noticing!! (but check the court records  ;)

The Untrained Voice


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