Sorry - I picked up in the middle of a thread.... Never saw the  
rules....But, didn't two governors pass through and not get invited to dinner 
at  the 
Taylor House? 
1)    The one that came to shake Barney's hand for  giving him a parking 
2)    The one that helped celebrate Founder's Day
Of course, I missed on the rules.... But I don't think either was invited  to 
dinner at the Taylor's... The one in Founder's Day might have gone to a  
luncheon but do we know where? 
Brad "Neil  Bentley" Cunningham
"My card, in case you ever need my  services..."

In a message dated 3/28/2008 12:26:24 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Now Neil  you're an attorney right?  So you listened to the rules in  the
beginning???  Right?
The question had the qualification "No  prisoners""  and I added no

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