>In many of the beach party movies one of the chicks in vonErick's gang 
>is>Goober's waitress girlfriend Flora.  She was blonder, but no mistaking her.
Blond, right out of a bottle, that's Alberta Nelson (Flora) that rode on the 
bike with Eric Von Zipper. Don't let him give himself the finger. Plenty of 
TAGS links on those old beach movies - like Don Rickles. 
There's an interesting lawsuit going on against the city of St. Petersburg, 
Florida. A local lady (not from somewhere's else) claims to have a 147 year old 
promissory note, taken out by the city against a business of her great 
grand-father's business. It sold military supplies to defend the city against 
Union troops during the Civil War. The note stipulates that the store is owed 
$299.58, plus 8% annual interest upon presentation and she's presenting it. 
Funny thing though, city attorneys brought 21 arguments to the table - they 
never mentioned the fact that it was a confederacy note which means it's 
useless. She finally gave up her fight and now has to pay court costs. We tried 
to tell em, didn't we, Andy?Harriet, the chicken thief, keeping count of her 
confederate feathers
 ......"Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth"..."That's an 
old wives tale"...."Johnny Paul ain't married"........
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