Barney actually had 3 middle names. Bernard Milton P. Oliver Fife. 
I just always figured his parents had a lot of relatives that wanted Barn to
have their name and so Barns mom and dad gave him 3 middle names to keep all
the relatives happy and peace in the family. I still gotta wonder what the P
stood for. Maybe he had a relative named Penelope and they just used the
initial to make her happy?

In an opposite bit of non TAGS wierdness, Johnny Cash's orginal name was J.
R. Cash on his birth certificate. His parents simply called him JR his whole
life. I am not sure if He or his parents ever actually said what the J.R.
was supposed to stand for. When he enlised in the Air Force they forced him
to come up with a given name instead of an initial. He chose John, and later
when He signed to Sun Records he changed it to Johnny

Dapper Dan
Just sitting around with a bucket on my head. 

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