and i mean not much. i went on the internet today after reading todays
messages posted and i find it interesting that Jonny coons was born in
Lebanon Indina having died in 1975.he had his 15 minutes of fame in the mid
50s  with his own kiddy show but quickly faded. And i cant yet find anything
on Tom Jacobs. Talented gifted and all still no luck .The internet
websites-links may not offer us much data on you but Tom your value as a
person and performer always increases your worth. we salute you. It breaks
my heart when i think of what Herbie Faye said and Dick Ryan wrote when they
commented You remember me?" and "Thanks for remembering me." what humility
what human decency in these superb performers who sat by the phone like so
many others waiting day in day out to get that casting call to report to the
tv or film studio to put in a few days work for what might be a godsend or
an insult to play in a thankless meaningless role. No nothing Dick or Herbie
ever did was anything to be ashamed of when you realize in the end they
brought moments of sheer joy a smile and a tickle to the funny bone.Andy
Griffith  i assure you who had his hand and rightly so had the final say in
casting Hope Summers told me. His decency as a man is evident is his concern
for the welfare of our beloved Howard McNear is one example say for instance
with the makeshift board they assembled on the set to accomodate his gifted
beloved actor after his tragic stroke.Joe Hamilton Dick Ryan Tom Jacobs Mr
Schwamp as well and others who did what they must had thought was an unhappy
or meaningless chore by doing little more than a walk on did much more than
that, they got their creative juices flowing, that drive that motivation up
and running known TAGS called . Theyre back in the harness,small as the role
is and every trivial bit part paid the months rent. Imagine folks and sadly
all of this true, these gifted TAGS performers .im referring only to bit
parts, cameos walk ons now not the regular series performers, all waited by
the phone for years and years waiting to get that call to report to the
studio. To not get that call,youre cutting off the flow of talent we fans
want to see. Thank God TAGS can rest on its laurrels supplying the american
audience with the best money can buy. To put life into a 5 second scene may
put food on that actors table thankfully but it gives him his day in the sun
to know someone out there hasnt forgotton him. I got stories first hand from
some of the most beloved famouse top rated character actors known all over
the world and a number of them privately told me the heartwrencing story of
a Hollywood that is  passing them by. To not get that call due to changing
of times or whatever is a crushing blow to an actors ego.Sir Cedric Hardwick
the gifted actor is an example. some committed suicide some turned to drink
others changed profession, others broke the law.Poor Burt mustin.He meant
well. He was childless, his wufe had died then in 1971 our beloved TAGS
player wrote "Tom i just got a co starring role on an upcoming series called
The Funny Side."He hoped itd be a hit because he said he had bills to pay.
Like all of us even character actors second bananas bit players have to pay
bills. The Funny Side  was a BOMB.Crushed, in need of money (these character
actors from film-tv never made the money todays celebrities make) he was
forced to in part seek out any tv roles offered to pay his billsd. old Jud
didnt own his own home. The years of letter writing between him and i went
on  right thru his bout with cancer. Near the end JUD wrote me after my last
phonecall. Tom thanks for caring. Dont forget about me. I dont think ill be
around much longer." that tore me apart. He told me his last acting role was
in an upcoming Phyllis episode and he wrote "Im in in bad shape but im going
out in style."My god in hindsight rereading what these performers privately
wrote me or told me by phone,its eery. its relevant fascinating a tearjerker
but very real and human. Now 30 years later after his death, 20 20
hindsight, i can honestly say to myself Tom look at what you got here.
Anedotes from these show buisness performers. their personal thoughts their
opinons, their ups and downs. But todays world of show buisness is sadly
geared to the youth in all media, films television music etc. But here i can
share some of their views in my posted messages. Someone out there in
America has got to realize i have a chunk of show buisness history at my
disposal.Its not my fault im from another era that appreciated such
underated talent.Now again ill close the chapter. I stated my case, spoke up
for these gifted artists but its time to give you you a chance to offer
feedback if these relevations are of intterest. Well theyve been of interest
to me since i nstarted in 1965 with my collections. It goes without bsaying
God Bless all of you. And God Bless all who are associated with TAGS/Col Tim
Im coming over.Move over Howard Sprague..Tom Kessel ps Im ready be it one of
you or all of you who may type in tomorrow "Hey Tom where have you been?WE
know all about Joe Hamilton and we too heard about ..............being in
Casablanca..Wake up and smell the coffee Tom..REad our past messages posted
or read this book or that book,.We fans know all about Joe Hamilton..Youre
not btelling us anything we havent already heard about.? Or with my luck
youll say "I didnt know his name..i didnt know he was in Casablanca." I cant
figure people out. " Who can Tom?
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