"It sure was similar to the episode with Ernest T. going to Mrs. Wiley's
party.  Maybe that is where they came up with the story line."


As a matter of fact, I think that is exactly what happened.  After all, the
episode is titled "My Fair Ernest T. Bass" and Barney makes the comment "If
they wrote this into a play, nobody would believe it." I'm not sure that the
wording is exact, but it's close.


It has been a long time since I have posted to the digest, but I still read
it every day.  It's just that I am so busy teaching that I don't have much
time for digest posting.  Ask Miss Crump, she'll tell you how often we
teachers are up till midnight grading papers and such so that we end up not
being able to go out in the evening.  And that's not even counting the
evenings we spend working on things like that blame grading manual.   


Mary Grace Gossage

"No coffee, tea, or punch, thank you."

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