Hey folks,

I'm leaving Friday to go on the Mayberry Cruise so I'm turning off the Emergency Moderation. In other words, messages will be posted without
review (there is a small set that are moderated because of past
behavior) so I ask that you continue to behave well and keep ALL
POLITICAL discussion OFF the WBMUTBB Digest.

I will likely be able to check my mail until Saturday morning but then
I'll be off the air until the cruise is over on Thursday of next week.

PLEASE follow the rules and, as Andy would say, "Act like somebody."
The Digest has been fun to read for the last several days so lets try to
keep it that way.

As a note, those on the "moderate" list will not be able to post a
message until I return.  Sorry about that to those few it hits.


Thanks to those of you who have enjoyed and written to me about the Two
Chairs No Waiting Podcast.  Even while I'm gone...the podcast will
continue and to help you keep from missing one I have set it up so you
can subscribe by e-mail to be told when they come out.
(http://mayberry.com/podcasts)  Just visit the site and sign up.

One last thing, if you have suggestions about the podcast (things you'd
like to hear comments on, ideas for making it better, etc) I would love
to hear them. E-mail me directly ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and I'll see what
can be done. I want the podcast to be fun for you and I have a hard time
knowing when it is fun and when I'm just talking about....err..me or
something. :)

Take care folks!!  See you soon.

--Allan Newsome
  "The Andy Griffith Show" Rerun Watchers Club - Webmaster

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