Hello digest devotees.I tried to send a message similar to this last night,but 
it would not go through.Hope it doesn't appear later.Anyway,what I want 
everyone to do is simple.If you could be beamed back to Mayberry for two 
weeks,what would you like to do while there?I will get this thing off the 
ground by telling you some things I would like to do while in Mayberry,in no 
particular order.
*ride on patrol with Barney or Andy.Maybe I could blow the siren like Uncle 
*try my luck at fishing for Old Sam as long as Howard Sprague wasn't frothing 
up the water.
*be given the chance to say Geronimo and drink a root beer with the fellas at 
the lodge.
*would like to see the expression on Clara's face as she showed me her numerous 
flower & pickle ribbons.
*be invited to dine at the Taylor residence and partake of one of Aunt Bee's 
wholesome and delicious meals.Afterward,go sit on the front porch and peel an 
apple in one continous piece.
*go to the Darling's shack and listen to some good old mountain music.Maybe 
Charlene would favor me by singing "There is a time".That particular tune tears 
me up something fierce,but I'd work my way through it.Would not be able to 
spend the night with them though,too much snoring and grunting going on.
*go to Wally's Garage and watch Goober at his finest hour,rebuilding a 
carbureator in record time.
*accompany the choir at All Souls Church as they sing good old 14A.
*hang around Floyd's Barbershop for a spell.At this fine old institution,one 
could catch up on news,gossip,not to forget grunting and snoozing.
*go to The Snappy Lunch and chomp on a chop.
*shoot slingshots with Opie,but Heaven forbid,not into a tree!
*watch Emmett coax an appliance into functioning properly again.
Well I think you have the picture.Be so kind as to share your time travel 
wishes to Mayberry.Remember though,you would have to leave your cell 
phone,pager,iPod,laptop and any other electronical marvel with 2008.
Oh yeah,one more thing.If I was feeling extra frisky,would like to run into the 
fun girls,Daphne and Skippy!
Dewey Lamb

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