>>>I watched the episode the other night where Aint Nora and Uncle Ollie
come to visit. During the scene where the mild-mannered man comes in to
pay a ticket and Uncle Ollie yells at him for being a firebug, I thought
I recognized the man as Hudge - the owner of Jimmy the goat, except he
had glasses.

Any trained noticers pick this up? Peggy<<<

That's a good notice.

Forrest Lewis played 5 different roles.
2 you have cited. 
 Mr. Mundt if Family Visit
Cy Hudgins in the Loaded Goat
Luther in Sermon for today (in the Mayberry band, hard of hearing I
Willy Jack in Gomer the Houseguest (Ted is correct above)
and Cliff in Andy the Marriage Counselor

Nice Noticin Peggy..I did not realize he had that many roles

It was good to hear from Jeff Branch on the Mayberry Podcast, 2 Chairs
No Waiting.  What a man of many talents.  I was at the Dinner before
Mayberry in the Midwest a few years back, and I saw this guy walking
around in a sports jacket and a nice hat carrying a briefcase.  I though
Hmmm that guy is dressed up...I wonder if he's Goober's agent.  (George
Lindsay was there that night).  When I sat down He looked a little
taller and I realized..Oh that must be Howard.
        I didn't know whether to take him bowling or fishing, but he
looked happy just to have a night out without mother.
Good to hear from you Jeff, and thanks for keeping all those kids
straight.  Barney would be proud.

The Untrained Voice

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