>>While I was watching "Mayberry Goes Bankrupt" on TVLand last night I
>>noticed something.  In the final scene, a convertable pulls up to
Frank >>Meyer's house while all the Mayberry men are standing outside.
In the >>convertable are a husband and wife who are passing through
Mayberry.  The >>IMDB credits list Hal Torey as the man who is not
named.  I had a couple >>of >good looks at the wife.  Even though she is
wearing a head scarf, I >>could >swear that the wife is "Nice Dress
Nelly".  Could some of you >>trained observers check your DVD'S and see
if you think the wife is Nelly >>or not.  

That is, indeed, Nice Dress Nellie in the car.  Has anyone ever found
out what her real name is yet?

Sue Doughty
High Point, NC

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