Aunt Bee of Orlando asked me to comment on how my "spinstering" went.  Well, I 
did enjoy having a bit of solitude and quiet for a couple of days.  However, I 
came down with a cold, so I couldn't enjoy it too much!  My gastronomic 
adventures had mixed results.  The pad thai was pretty yummy, and the hummus 
dip was all right.  The gazpacho soup was okay but couldn't hold a candle to 
the only other time I had it -- back many moons ago when I was touring Spain 
with friends.  The grilled artichoke hearts were a disappointment, so I'm 
trying to figure out what to do with the rest of the jar (goes against my grain 
to waste anything).  Guess I should have gotten the oysters in chili sauce 
instead, like Andy.  Nobody ever did invite me to a spaghetti dinner, and Lydia 
(Goober's substitute) never came knocking at my door with her suitcase full of 
ingredients, so the entire time was really a bit dull.  However, I did watch 
quite a few TAGS episodes while I was "spinstering it," and those were, 
frankly, the highlights of the entire two days!  My husband and daughter 
arrived home last evening, and I was glad to see them, so all turned out well.

Back in the bosom of my family,
Thelma Lou

"Now, I'm going over to Helen's and eat my third supper.  And then I'm comin' 
back.  And I'm gonna kill you."

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