>>>I've noticed that sometimes folks on TV wear glasses with perfectly flat 
>>>lenses (you can tell by the reflection).?Now I'm no eye doctor, but it seems 
>>>to me perfectly flat lenses would have no effect on one's vision, which 
>>>leads me to think those glasses are just part of the actor's costume.<<<

Yes, you're right.  I have seen that, and you can tell if the lenses are pieces 
of flat glass or slightly curved, as true eyeglass lenses are.  Asa's lenses 
looked like the real thing.  Normally, if the frames have flat pieces of glass 
in them, you can still see reflections of light sources, but I've never noticed 
any reflections off Floyd's glasses, which is why I figured his are empty 
frames.  And yet, the fact that he wears glasses in all his various roles 
surely means he needs them to see.  However, I will now keep a watch out for 
that and try to note if I ever see those tell-tale reflections.

Thelma Lou

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