1. Charlene having her baby - and when they decided to name her Andalina!

2. Andy giving his Valedictorian address

3. Barney and the supposed wild times living at the Y in Raleigh

4. Aunt Bee in a beauty contest when she was younger

5. Barney and his mother on that bus trip to Raleigh

6. Barney crying when he was blackballed out of a club by Jack Egbert

7. Gomer's daddy telling him that one day he would be tested

8. Sarah twisting her ankle at the bowling alley

9. Barn's wild nights with Juanita

10. The playboy dishtowel salesman from Mt. Pilot visiting the Widow Saunders!

11. Asa working on his?big aluminium foil ball

12. Uncle Ollie and Aint Nora getting home to see what was REALLY left on in 
the house

13. The "hard times" that Mr. Folley and Floyd have seen each other through

Okay - I'm taking the bucket off my head now!


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