>>>Because I never spoke to him, i kept silent. bUt in 1972 i called Walter
Baldwin the original Floyd Lawson  (God forbid) and a woman answered. She
was most uncooperative.<<<

Very interesting.  Thanks for sharing that, Tom.  This would certainly explain 
why Baldwin's involvement in TAGS was limited to one appearance.  I had never 
before heard/read anyone else talk about the actor originally slated to play 
Floyd or why he was replaced.  I'm sure Baldwin would have been competent in 
the role, but he never could have put the unique stamp on the show that Howard 
McNear did.  What a blessing to us fans that Baldwin was ousted and McNear was 
given a shot to play our favorite barber!  What wonderful comic moments he 
brought to us as Floyd!

Thelma Lou

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