Andys jobs before sheriff Orville Handricks
I think you might be making to much of this. Andy served in the military during 
WWII. He had a lot of odd jobs before going into the military such as mowing 
and did some delivery work he also worked in the mayberry theatre. Understand 
is a small town and the county is probably sparsly populated. He was obviously 
well known and popular and he served as head of the Mayberry Good Government 
League. Who knows what else he might have been involved in But around here our 
sheriffs usually come from the city council or out of the woodwork. In fact we 
just elected a new sheriff who had been a county committe man and and one town 
nearby elected a gay councilman as police chief he beat a guy who'd been cheif 
for nearly 20 years. and we don't know how well the previous sheriff's handled 
their jobs either so that could have had a bearing on Andy getting elected.
vic bert miller friskey  

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