Has anyone ever noticed that on some black and white episodes, the court
house doors on earlier episodes are a darker color and on others they are
lighter.  The only painting of the doors I've seen is when Newton Monroe
began painting them at the end of the epiosode when he found out he was
actually "ept."

Also, being a professional videographer, the camera angles and lighting in
the black and whites are excellent and well above their time.  There are
very little shadows in any of the scenes which are hard to do in B&W

Also the camers angles during most sitcoms during that period of time
were very standard.  Most epiosodes like I Love Lucy and Leave it to Beaver
and others use a straight on approach with floor mounted cameras, as if you
were watching a game show or something.  On Andy Griffith they use various
angles that give it a great feel and depth to the scenery.  Like in the
episode when Barney and Thelma Lou first begin dating and Barney can't bring
himself to tell Thelma Lou how he feels so Andy calls on her on Barney's
behalf.  When Andy asks him what he would say when he is soaking his feet at
night, the camera angle is at the upper left hand of the courthouse by the
filing cabinet.  It shows Barney upclose with Andy in the background and
gives a much more intimate approach.  Especially when he tells Andy he
thinks Thelma Lou is the "Cats!"

As well, in the colored episode when Andy is "batchin" it when Goober moves
in on him to make sure Andy doesn't get lonely....Andy is trying on a tuxedo
coat with tails.  When he pulls it out, the camera is set inside the closet
looking into the living room.  Very creative for its time and it must go to
the genius of Everette Greenbaum.  He was a great director.

This is just some of the things I notice including the lack of continuum.
Like when Clara Edwards and Emma Watson have different names or when Barney
messes up his hair, but the next scene has his hair combed.  Things like

Also, I always wondered why perfume was called "Toilet Water?"  Anyone know
why that is?

Kirk Daniel
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