Thanks for the responses to Jack Burns and the Mayberry Bench.Im quite
contented. But leave it to me to ask things most of us dont think of. I
wondered whatever became of the Vincente family that came to live with Sam
Jones on TAGS. i did some exploring. Heres what I found: Bruno Della Santina
who played papa (runaway tractor) Vincente 1904- 68, died 6 months after his
visit to Sam's farm. Letica Roman 1941 did much tv thru the 60s retiring in
68. She was Sophia Vincente. Sadly Mario played by good looking Grabiele
Tinti 1932-91 spent 95% of his career making Italian films. This was a rare
thing doing an American show. I see his looks took him beyond Mayberry to
questionable films which i dare not mention here. He died suddenly in 1991
at only 59. Was this all a one shot thing the Mayberry RFD episode or were
there plans to keep them on after the demise of TAGS. Mayberry RFD I dont
think is out yet on dvd. I guess they made a quick get away for Frances
Bavier and Alice Ghostly. If anyone has learned anything on how this Italian
family was suppose to fit in if at all, please write in. meantime in
closing  as much as i enjoyed their visit, Ill take Almira Sessions as Mrs.
Fletcher anytime.Thats it . God Bless. Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject
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