I believe this question was asked before and honestly i forgot what the
verdict if any was given. its no easy task but moments ago watching Witness
To Murder 1954 I found Dick Elliot, Burt Mustin, Jesse White and the actor
named Sam who Ben Weaver tried to evict (Sorry i forgot his name), this is a
lead up to my further investagation, i figured maybe a big named movie
extravaganza might give us a clue. Well this film might not be the winner
but its way up there. 1963's Its a Mad Mad Mad Mad World a comedy classic.
look at who was in this film: Don Knotts, Roy Engel (one of the most
prolific actors in background scenes on TAGS )Jesse White, Roy Roberts,Cliff
Norton, Doodles Weaver,Sterling Holloway, and Charles Lane.To find a
complete list of this film is next to impossible due to ever changing
scripts and additional lost footage still being found. You fans would have
to see this great film to pinpoint the many TAGS actors who popped out of
nowhere. To sum it all up, Mad World like TAGS is the best in comedy
considered by fans and critics alike. I see no TAGS marathon on tvland this
weekend from what im reading. Tvland is now adding further insult to TAGS
not only by cutting scenes out but now at the episodes end, the credits are
running on the final scene on the bottom. what a travesty.Married With
Children and Roseanne is the order of the day. Im going back to Col Tim's
old tv set to audition for TAGS to come back to TVLAND in all its glory
unedited and uncut. Tom Kessel, Col Tim's Protege Reject. God Bless.
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