the first half of the 12 hr marathon on tvland is over and repeats are now
on. i want to mention a few interesting hightlights. In Barbershoppe
Quaretet let me tell you Mayberry fans, Burt Mustin in real life was a part
of a quartet off the soundstage where he and friends would go to nursing
homes etc to visit the L.A> area entertaining the residents, he told me
years ago. thats a telling part of the man himself. decent and thinking of
others. In Politics Begin At Home ,first scene of Goob,Andy,Floyd on the
famed bench note the beloved Howard mcNears helpless hands resting on his
lap, his fingers outstretched. and i always enjoyed the twitch in Howards
eyes following his stroke, it added great depth of his character. In The
Darling Fortune, once again tvland seems to edit out the funniest scenes. in
this case. Briscoe and boys checking out town women walking by. times like
this i wish i had TAGS on dvd. they always cut out the fat woman walking by
and the comment Briscoe made of having to feed a woman that size. very funny
bit. Barbershoppe Quartet again a touching fitting scene of Hamilton Camp
chatting with a hobo and the hobo paying Andy Griffith a sincere touching
heartfelt compliment of how well  Andy treats prisoners. in Senior Play note
the great Jack Dodson who  when it seems he's off camera, he's actually
going out of character. in the auditorium with our Mayberry loved ones and
the great character actor Leon Ames. The very second the kids on stage jump
into their present day dancing gear, there is Howard Sprague caught offguard
purposely looking to gauge reaction of Leon . this is priceless. his
character wasnt there to gauge reaction of Leon. I think again Howard
thought he was out  of camera range. these tiny insights adds more realismn
more fun to the characters & the actors. it makes more fun now to view this
classic series. The Ballgame note the nice effect of Aunt Bee closeup
crooked cap and drinking soda during the game,.Tvland is mixing up, and in
this case maybe a good thing, the color&black &white episodes. if all goes
accordingly, coming up next time should be Dont Miss a Good bet with a dear
man ,my good friend Dick Ryan as stationmaster in that 5 second shot at the
end. his last acting chore. thanks Dick. And thank you Alan and friends. Tom
Kessel Col.Tim's Protege Reject. God Bless.
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