Our family arrived in Mt. Airy early Fri. morning. I grabbed my granddaughter 
by the hand and hurried to the ticket tent to get our tickets. I was already 
feeling the "Mayberry Mood" and wanted to impress her with my Mayberry 
knowledge. The lady in the tent was very professional and greeted me with "Can 
I help you?". So here I go: "friend, I don't have a ticket, I don't even know 
where it is that I'm a'goin." Well, she looked at me like I was from outer 
space. Whether she had never heard the "football story" or really thought I was 
crazy, I'm not sure. Anyway, I explained what I needed and she fixed us up in 
short order. It didn't take long to get back into the "Mayberry Mood" and we 
had a great time in spite of the rain. I'm introducing a third generation of 
Mayberry citizens, and nothing makes me happier. I always enjoy Mayberry Chapel 
on Sunday morning led by "Mac" McNees, and we met "Howard" at the Sagebrush 
later Sunday. I can't wait 'til next year!

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