hhhmmmm....  there's J. Howard Jackson, Sheldon Davis/Thomas A. Moody (Guest of 
honor), George Stevens (Barney on the Rebound) , Charles Foley,  Henry Bennet, 
Colonel Harvey and of course there's Phil and Frank and whoever else from 
Freddy Fleets Band with a Beat ("...maybe he'll think it's a hairy necktie") 

From: dewey lamb <dewey0...@hotmail.com> 
Subject: facial hair 
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How many Mayberry characters have you seen with a mustache/beard?I will get the 
ball rolling with a few that come to mind.Add the ones you can come up with. 

 Howard Sprague 
Floyd Lawson 
Gentleman Dan Caldwell 
Mr. Wakefield 
Briscoe Darling 
The Seth Taylor stone cutter 
Ernest T kept a scruffy face,don't know if this counts... 

I'm sure there are many more. 
Dewey in NC 

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