Hey, I put this one out on the line last weekend but I got nary a
nibble, other than some pictures from Bob James (thanks Bob) .  I
thought I'd put some fresh potato salad bait on it, and thrown the line
back out there again.

---any thoughts on Andy's favorites or other comments?

Well, I started this a while back and then got distracted...Listening to
Leonard Blush I guess, and the Mayberry Podcast Two Chairs No Waiting.
Actually just work and family chores, but anyway.... With Allan's help,
I've posted a new Andy Page on the Mayberry Gossip Club/Historical

I realized that I had I worked on the pages of Mr. Scwamp, Tom Jacobs,
Nice Dress Nellie...and others, but no one had taken time to build a
tribute page to Andy (on this site)

So here it is, but I need help.  I got stuck on his favorite foods.  So
let me know what to fill out there.  Also any other key facts
missing...Now I know we could write a book on Andy, but this is meant to
be a simple one-page.


I guess we all just take Andy for granted, so it's time we have his page
on this site.

My next goal on the site is to set up a page for another Background
Actor.  Bob James, and Tom Kessel, this is due to you guys discovery
about the man Tom calls Schwamp's brother.
  Bob, I know you have some pictures..and Tom you may have a list of his
episode appearances.  If you can help me with that.  Allan and I will
get his page set up.

I hope this finds Marsha well by now.  When she was ailin' I'm sure
everything stooped at the Mayberry Home Inn. (did I get that right?).
I'll bet her husband can cook eggs and that's about it.

Thanks All.  I enjoy our little virtual visit each day.

The Untrained Voice


>>>>>Did any ever notice how Andy and the gang can have a whole episode
about a particular activity (bowling for example)yet never mention it

You never hear Andy say to Helen " I can't go out tonight because I have
to--go bowling-- barbershop quarter practice-- band practice--Golden
Door of Fellowship."   Jerry Graber<<<<<


Largely a good observation,  and I'll be just one of probably a
half-dozen nitpicking Trained noticers that will disagree with you on
the bowling part;

With Lydia Crosswaite they talked about going bowling
When Emmet went to check out furs, he told he wife that he and Andy we
going bowling
I think there was one other time that Andy was wearing a bowling shirt.

Golden Door-your right other than when Andy and Barney joined the
Esquire Club..their lodge meeting night was mentioned I think.

Barbershop quartet-I think you're right.  Various Choral groups.. but no
other quartet.

Band Practice-well there was the Marching Band...but probably different

It was a big deal back then just to be consistent within an
episode..they did not pay much mind to one episode after another.. Those
events were often "one Episode wonders"

One of the rare past-episode tie-ins was when Barney was in the choir,
and Andy reminded him about his lecture about "IN our Life we travel
many roads"  which of course was from Barney's lecture to Gomer when he
was to meet (Nice Real nice) Mary Grace. 

The Untrained Voice
I guess I already 10-4ed ya.


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