dear tags newsletter,


i also "forgot" about the live chat on Saturday night.  please forgive me.  
they have Christian movie night on the nrb channel on satellite and i enjoy it, 
but i will listen on the next one and i hope it is soon. 


i laughed so hard at the post that was signed, Kelsey's Woods, USA.  oh my 
goodness, how funny!  i just saw in my head Ernest T. telling andy Kelsey's 
woods, Kelsey's ocean.  hahaha


as to the crime solving:


Andy tells Barney to go into Weaver's and get a scale.  

she reluctantly steps on it.  165 lbs.  Barney says she must be solid, because 
i only weigh 132 lbs.

Well, while I was in the store and i accidently bumped into her, and she 
clinked.  And little old ladies aren't suppose to clink.  and barney says 
unless they are going to the clink.  All right, come on sister, let's go.  


they also caught the man who escaped from prison or work release when andy went 
on vacation with a knapsack filled with a bacon and a frying pan. he noticed 
his prison shoes.  


everyone have a God Bless Day and a very mayberry day.


Sand Mt. Mizzus Why-lee, 1/2 mile past the no trespassing sign at Kelsey's 
Woods on the right.  


I put a apple pie and a gooseberry pie on the window sill every day at 12 noon. 


Did you happen to stop by because of this nice house?

This is Mayberry.

No, we thought this was Elm City!


Mayberry says thanks and Happy Motoring!  lol  


Phil. 4:13  I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.

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