Larry in Lincolnton asked:
<<I've often heard the term "one camera" when talking about filming TAGS. Would someone explain it so even me and Goober would understand?>>

This is a fairly drawn out discussion so here's the basics:

The single-camera setup is a method of shooting films and television programs using one camera to capture each shot making up a particular scene. The scene mus be shot 3 times when using this method in order to have (1) a close-up shot of the primary character, (2) a close-up of the secondary character, and (3) a wide angle shot showing both. If more "angles" area needed, the actors must perform the scene 1 time each for every angle needed to meet the directors vision of how the scene should look on screen.

An alternate production method is the multiple-camera setup, which uses two or more cameras running simultaneously, and the scene is run through (hopefully) one time from start to finish capturing every angle needed by the director in one performance by the actors. (i.e. One performance by the actors is captured from many angles all at the same time.

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Allan Newsome
  "The Andy Griffith Show" Rerun Watchers Club - Webmaster

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