We have an interesting discussion going on about Episodes with the
fewest actors.

Now if I put on my Andy hat, I'd say we need a common uniform score
sheet, that might be set up something like this.

Main characters,        Guest stars,            Speaking Background
actors,         Nonspeaking background actors

A MAIN CHARACTER would like  Andy Opie..all the way through Goober
Gomer, Howard, Thelma Lou Helen.
The Book  Inside Mayberry    by Harrison and Habeeb, has a good chart in
the back that you can look at to see what main characters were in which
episodes etc.
GUEST STARS   would be Like Ernest T Bass, Briscoe Darling,   Uncle
Ollie, Aunt Nora, John Masters, Clara  etc.

If you use the Database that Allan has on the website, you can get a
good list of the combination of Guest stars and Main characters..and
also the next category..SPEAKING BACKGROUND ACTORS.  This would be like
Tom Hamilton,  Jud, Asa,  

So for those three categories..you can get a pretty good count.

The toughest is the NONSPEAKING BACKGROUND ACTORS, therefore
non-credited background actors.  You pretty much have to watch and
count.  (Mr. Schwamp among them)

The Biggest Crowd scene I can think of, were the Gold Truck Episode, The
Baseball Game, the Seth Taylor statue Dedication, when the Governor
came, etc..and the crowd in Opie's dream when he won all those
medals..Other big crowd scenes I'm sure.

So entries should say things like 

3 main characters, no guest stars,  2 speaking background on 0
nonspeaking background

5 main characters 2 guest stars,  no background actors at all

At least that's how I would score it.

Entertainment Magazine has the sad tale of an adult who was a child star
who had died ..and it talks about the  difficultly that Child stars
often have after growing up.    Then it lists 8 child stars who made it
big as adults...#1 on the list..Ron Howard.  That's our boy!!!

The Untrained Voice


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