Now I am not trying to be obtuse, but these are just some things I think 
bout when I am bagging groceries.  It helps pass the time.  If anyone has 
ome answers I would
ove to hear them cause these things have been praying on my mind.

Now Ken, them things are just trivial trivialities. Try not to focus on them 
too much. When I get like that I get out my mosaic tile kit and do cow pictures.

To new member Raven McMillan, who collects Mayberry related items----Raven, you 
got a collection of antique phones? I have a reproduction candlestick phone I 
bought years ago, but it has a dial on it, which everybody knows isn't right. I 
even put a fake Mayberry Phone Co. thing in the middle of the dial, but it 
still doesn't look right. You wouldn't have one you would turn loose cheap, 
would you? I always did want the real thing.
Jimmy Dean

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