This morning a little ornithological drama played out on our front porch.  A 
robin had built her nest inside one of the large shrubs that flank our front 
door, and this morning she decided it was time for her fledgling to leave the 
nest.  She first tried coaxing it out with a nice, juicy worm (well, I'm 
assuming it was, anyway).  She managed to keep the worm in her beak while 
repeatedly calling to her baby, who responded with chirps.  Because we had our 
windows and doors open, we heard their "conversation" and noticed that our cats 
(who are strictly indoors) were stationed at the screen door, so we watched, 
too.  It took mama robin many attempts to get little robin to venture to the 
edge of the shrub.  She then tried to get it to emerge from the shrub by 
hopping up on the porch with the worm and calling.  All this attracted the 
attention of an outdoor neighborhood cat who was soon on our porch and ready to 
snatch the little robin.  My husband, hero of the day, saved the young bird by 
chasing off the cat with a broom (gently, I might add).  It took several tries 
before it finally gave up.  The fledgling left the shrub at last and is 
presumably now testing its wings.

Of course, all this remined me of "Opie the Birdman."  I couldn't help but 
think of Wynken, Blynken, and Nod and Opie's realization that he must release 
the birds to live their own life, just as the mama would have done.  Of course, 
there was also the neighbor's cat that gave Andy, Opie, Barney, and Aunt Bee 
some anxious moments.  And there was the nice, juicy worm that Opie described 
to Aunt Bee at the breakfast table.

Like Andy, I used the opportunity to teach my 10-year-old daughter a brief life 
lesson, illustrated by the robin's action.  I told her that our job as parents 
isn't just to provide for her the things she needs but to prepare her for 
adulthood so that she's ready to assume the responsibilities of being grown up 
when she leaves our "nest."

Yes, life is like Mayberry!

Thelma Lou
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