People used to think left handed people were mentally unbalanced.  Students 
were forced not to be left handed.  Of the first 30 presidents in American 
history, only one, James Garfield was left handed.  Since then several 
Presidents have been left handed, including the present one.  The word sinister 
comes from the Latin for left, and the French word gauche, which means awkard 
or impolite is from the French word for left.  

I have scoured my memory, but I cannot remember any regular on Andy being left 
handed.  Several people played sports, bowled, hunted, fished, drew a pistol 
and wrote, but everyone I can remember used their right hand.  Can anyone 
remember a left hander on Andy?


Orville Hendricks - Selling butter and eggs.  I am right handed, and Martha and 
Evan are my right hand men.
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