I've noticed before that in two  or three episode in particular, the
Title of the Episode (minus a small word such a  or the) is included in
the actual words spoken by the characters..three times I think..by
different characters in one case, multiple times by two characters in
another, and once by Andy in another.   As with most discoveries, there
are probably more than I recall, so I'll post this as a trivia question.

What episodes is the actual title to the episode included in the spoken
words of the characters? 

Now, as I post the link below, for  anyone who does not have a book with
the Episode names, it occurs to me that there are several one-word
Titles that might qualify such as "the Jinx"  and "the Manicurist" so
I'll just say the ones I have in mind have at least two words..(besides
a or the)

Here is a link to episode names


I'm sure you can find my three, perhaps many more.

Maybe we can have some other Dialog about how Episode title were
established.  Before Books and tapes/DVDs, they were probably largely
unknown outside the writers/creators..

..Enjoyed the podcast about "Other" if the Darling boys talked there
could have been a line about..this is Rodney and this is my "Other
Brother" or something like that.

The Untrained Voice

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