Pushing a car could also be a dandy way to lock bumpers! I remember my father 
coming to the assistance of a neighbor one bitterly cold winter morning when 
the man's car stalled in the street. Unfortunately, Dad's big Buick bumper 
locked itself over the other slightly smaller car. My mother, younger sister 
and I, being the compassionate souls we were, stood in our nice & heated front 
room and laughed at the two men jumping up and down on the bumpers. The trick 
was to get enough momentum going that the upper locked bumper would rise enough 
to free the lower locked.

And I'm sure we all remember the classic scene from "I Love Lucy" when Lucy 
gets the Ricardoes' new Pontiac locked onto the ancient Cadillac that Fred 
Mertz had bought? She & Ethel jump up & down on the bumpers before revealing 
they have no idea why that's supposed to help (which it didn't, anyway). Still 
makes me laugh, even after the 10,000th viewing!

HistoryBuff, also old enough to remember "real" bumpers

Also it was standard practice to use the bumpers to push a stalled car to get 
it started.


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