Here is the latest on Mayberry Days, now less than a month away!

- Tickets for Karen Knotts' show "Tied Up in Knotts" has completely sold out.

- There are only 2-3 individual tickets left for Colonel Tim's and the Doug 
Dillard Band evening show. Call SAC at 336.786.7998 if you are interested. All 
other show tickets are available for purchase online or by calling SAC.

- WBMUTBB member "Aunt Bee of Orlando" has generously offered to purchase the 
complete TAGS DVD Box set (at Weaver's Dept Store) for a raffle. Tickets will 
be $1 each or 6 for $5 and sold Thursday-Saturday at the festival. The drawing 
will be held during the TAGSRWC Meeting on Saturday. You do not have to be 
present to win (but it is always a good meeting to attend). 

- Mayberry Days T-shirts are now in stock at the Andy Griffith Museum. You can 
see the design on the Mayberry Days website. If you are unable to attend 
Mayberry Days, you can order yours now by calling the museum during operating 
hours. Price is $15+tax. Shipping is $4.95. has phone and hours.

- Don't forget about the North Carolina State Championship Barbecue Cook-off 
taking place during the festival. Sandwiches and 1-lb containers will be for 
sale Saturday morning (I love living in Nashville but sure miss good NC 

- Still room for more great items for the WBMUTBB Silent Auction. If you have 
not contacted me yet ( please let me know if you have 
something to donate or are able to help on Saturday morning.

It's BIG!



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