Actually, I agree with you, Lisa. Several of the color episodes are also among 
my TAGS favorites - including "The Battle of Mayberry" and "The Return of 
Barney Fife". What I meant was that TVLand decided to show only the really bad 
color episodes - including the blonde lawyer in a swimsuit one and the Helen as 
an author one - both of which I still maintain are bottom-of-the-barrel!


Lisa Jackson
Tue, 28 Sep 2010 09:49:35 -0700

The absolute bottom-of-the-barrel color episodes, which no living TAGS fan 
would even think of voting for.

***I hope I'm not dead b/c I did vote for one color episode - "Dinner at Eight" 
- I will say that I enjoy the earlier episodes better but I really love "Dinner 
at Eight".  It is one of my favorites.


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