In the show where Opie is courting Thelma Lou, Opie asks Andy "Pa, what can you 
do with a grown woman"?  At the end of Andy's answer, he says "then you go over 
to her mother's house where you sit and talk until it is time to go home.  All 
in all it is a terrific day".  When Andy is telling Opie that, you can almost 
see in his eyes the voice of experience speaking about visiting his 
mother-in-law.  Kind of a sad look.
Orville Hendricks - Selling Butter and Eggs.  One time when Martha and I were 
in church, I asked a man how his mother-in-law was.  He replied "Oh, she is an 
angel".  I told him he was lucky, my mother-in-law was still living.  Oh well, 
another night in the dog house.  Stop hogging the covers Spot.  
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