No, the Rimshaw house was definitely not the house used in "The Munsters". The 
Rimshaw house was actually Mrs. Wiley's house next door to Andy's house in that 
episode. Watch carefully as Andy, Barney, and Ernest T. leave Mrs. Wiley's 
towards the end of the episode. Then it is confirmed when Sweet Romeena and 
Ernest T. hop over that tree trunk in the yard on the other side of Andy's 
house (to the left as you face Andy's house).

I recently went on a tour of the Universal Studios backlot in Los Angeles, and 
the house used as the Munsters' house is located there. In fact, it is on the 
same street/neighborhood as the "Desperate Housewives" set. I got a picture of 
it, and it looks pretty much the same as when the Munsters lived there, 
although less spooky.

Gee, I'll bet the monthly magazine "Learn-a-Month" would be interested in that 
in its "Odd Facts Known by Few" section.

Mr. Schwamp

>My husband thinks the "Rimshaw house" in the haunted house episode is also the 
>same house used in "The Munsters"
>Anyone know for sure?

>Fayetteville, AR

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