>From "The Andy Griffith Show Rerun Watchers Club"---

CBS is releasing a 50th Anniversary DVD with 17 favorite episodes, the
"Danny Meets Andy Griffith" pilot for TAGS, the 1986 "Return to Mayberry"
movie, and several other special features. The catch is that its release
date is Dec. 21. 

Our Weaver's Dept. Store will be stocking them, and we'll be keeping our
fingers crossed that we'll be able to ship them a few days before the
release date, so that folks can still get them by the release date or at
least by Christmas Eve. The suggested price is expected to be about $25.00,
so it's going to be a lot of bang for the $ and a great way for folks who
already have all the episodes on DVD now to get the movie and pilot, too.

Big ain't the word for it,
Know what I mean?


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